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Tweet Seats!

“There is a growing trend in US theatres to reserve seats in one area of the auditorium for members of the audience who wish to tweet while the performance is taking place, so that they don’t disturb fellow spectators. Do you like the idea of ‘tweet seats’ in theatres?”

I do like!

Rather than barricading technology and its lovers from live performance/theatres, tweet seats may be the solution for a happy audience (with the exception of a few eye-rolls). Real-time online updates allow people to share their excitement with others and serve as free marketing. I believe this trend is ongoing – coming soon to a theatre near you.

  1. Mike
    April 4, 2012 at 4:35 pm

    Well I find this concept quite ridiculous, I personally do not see the interest in tweeting while at a show. But i think it is a good idea for the theatres to take advantage of an opportunity like this, as it is a great way to promote the theatre and show for free. I just hope they make it clear these seats are a tweeting section so non tweeters don’t get stuck in the section where everyone is on their phone.

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