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Grocery Price Discrimination

Recently I have noticed a rise of bulk discount on groceries. Being a subscriber of WagJag (a deal-site similar to Groupon), I receive alerts of food products that are sold at a discount around my area. The latest one is a kilogram of sliced, smoked salmon for $45. That is a lot of salmon but no doubt a good deal.

Riding along the bulk grocery trend is a mobile app developed from a French company called Zéro GâchisZéro Gâchis means “Zero Waste” in French. The overall goal of the app is to minimize the amount of waste that other people are still willing to pay for. Zéro Gâchis developed an app that alerts users who are geographically close to businesses that are willing to quickly sell their food products at a discount price. The company saw a demand of merchants looking for ways to get rid of food products that are close to expiry and consumers who are looking for savings. Talk about price discrimination in action. Entire article can be read here.

  1. Astrid Au
    March 29, 2012 at 11:20 pm

    With the convenience of searching information from the internet, businesses seem getting hard to practice price discrimination on consumers. They can no longer ”fool” customers and claim that they have the lowest price among the competitors!

  2. Monica Wong
    April 5, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    Interesting! I’d never heard of the app before. I think that’s a great idea since I know tons of people who are always looking for cheap eats. I especially like the idea of tying it in with sustainability as a great deal of food is often wasted when unpurchased.

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