
Posts Tagged ‘BK’

Celebrities ≠ Viral Videos

David Beckham has done it again. Advertise completely irrelevant products to what he does for a living. This man is a chameleon. Revitalizing Sharpies to selling his own line of H&M underwear, Beckham is not stopping and is now endorsing Burger King. Can’t deny that someone like that is actually tickling my fancy to expand my smoothie adventure this summer – Timmy Ho’s, McDonald’s and now Burger King. But the real reason for my post is because I’m more interested about BK’s marketing, not that Mr. Beckham isn’t post-worthy. Check out the new BK commercials that also feature Steven Tyler and Sofia Vergara. That woman is everywhere nowadays too eh? I guess CoverGirl and BK seem to go hand-in-hand to some people…

This commercial reminds me of T.I.’s music video. Romance and daydreaming over the fast food counter. Themes that sell in America…

I wonder who does the marketing for Burger King. Whoever it is, they guided BK to select some pretty big profile celebrities to endorse its new products. I’m a pretty big commercial watcher (even American channels) but I haven’t seen these on television just yet. According to the official BK YouTube channel, these commercials were uploaded two weeks ago yet the number of views are a bit disappointing. I’m taking a stab here but maybe BK was hoping the videos would go viral with these celebrities and wouldn’t need to spend the money to put them on television. Celebrities sure don’t come cheap but the effort here seems quite haphazard (so far to my knowledge anyways). Would love it if someone can update me if they have seen them elsewhere!

Maybe BK is pulling a Super Bowl commercial approach? Testing out the waters and then a full-blown attack? I have seen this year’s Super Bowl commercials recycled and reused recently. Might as well right? Productions don’t come cheap either and I believe good commercials are worth watching an extra (few) time(s).