
Posts Tagged ‘phablet’

Galaxy Note and its Nebulous Future

March 27, 2012 2 comments

Samsung Galaxy Note was introduced in October 2011. It was launched in the North American market by February 2012. It is an Android smartphone and tablet combined into one. And because of that… it is rather.. er large.

I am no tech expert so I will not delve into the specs. I will dive into the marketing aspect (from my perspective). I first saw a commercial for it in Taiwan last Christmas. My first impression of it was nothing unique. I just saw a really large, clunky phone. Not for me… but maybe for really big people or people with giant pockets (literally). By March 2012, Samsung has sold 2 million units worldwide since its launch and is looking to sell another 10 million units before the end of 2012. Currently, the general North American consensus is similar to my first impression of the “phablet.” As proven by this recent viral commercial, it’s hard to imagine who could use it other than a customer that size. Elephants, although cute, aren’t usually the ones with deep pockets.

After some thought, I believe the adoption of phablets will grow… but slowly. Remember when phones were simply used to make calls? Remember when people used to carry mp3 players along with their cellphones? Remember when people started phasing out their desktops in exchange for laptops? Remember when people questioned the benefits of a tablet when they have their trusty laptops? Remember when people carried BOTH their laptops and cellphones? Oh wait, we’re still there. The phablet is the ultimate platform that eliminates carrying both a laptop and a cellphone.

The Galaxy Note obviously isn’t for the consumer who prefers the convenience of a small smartphone. With a processor of a tablet and portability of a phone, the Galaxy Note is for more serious note-takers, data-collectors, and integrators on-the-go. These pockets of people are around but currently do not view the Note as their solution just yet. I believe it’s just a matter of time (and effective marketing) before phablets are THE next thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple has something up its sleeve already but is just waiting for the right time to release its version. Samsung will eventually reach their 10 million units goal but probably not by the end of 2012.